
Personal Boundaries

Greetings! These are my personal boundaries, please be careful and respectful while reading. I've broken it up into different chunks to make things a bit more organized.Please note the trigger section contains very triggering subjects, look at your own risk.

General Information

General Info

Hello! These are just general things to keep in mind when interacting with me. Nothing too serious, just basic common sense stuff.

  • Please be respectful of all of my triggers

  • I sometimes struggle socially due to anxiety and being homeschooled. However, you do not need to use tone indicators around me if you don't want! I manage fine if not better without them, and really only use them if I really need to make a point.

  • Unless I'm very familiar with you be careful what you joke about, as I tend to take jokes more seriously than others.

  • I'm an absolute Pokemon nerd so yes please talk about Pokemon to me especially about the Alola region/games!!!!

  • I don't like showing my face or any part of me, don't pressure me to face or voice reveal.

  • I highly dislike conflict and avoid it at all costs, please don't pressure me/drag me into it.

  • Sometimes I am very bad with talking to people due to working! If I haven't answered you in a while feel free to message again to remind me.

  • Don't vent to me unless you're a close friend or I give consent.

Overall that's all there is interesting to know about me! Another thing to note (as you will see if you look at the other pages) I absolutely despise and condemn NSFW, as well as have a NSFW/suggestive content trigger. This is something I literally cannot control, my body just immediately panics and gets extremely upset at that stuff.WITH THIS IN MIND, if you ever see that I've given art, interacting, giving support etc to someone who is doing NSFW activities, PLEASE let me know as if I'm interacting with them, I 100% have no knowledge of what they are doing! Please tell me immediately so I can stop supporting/being around them as soon as possible.

Oc boundaries

Oc boundaries

Hi there! These are boundaries/information specifically applicable about my ocs, thank you for reading these! I know it seems like a lot, I'm very particular about my characters.If you don't feel like reading all of this, just do your best to be normal and to be honest you'll probably be fine.


  • Fanart? Oh yes please! Markings don't have to be perfect, but please do not change major elements of an ocs design (especially for my sona).

  • That being said, you can totally give them different outfits if you like! Just don't change their body.

  • You want to interact with my oc? Sure! I love oc interactions a ton (I've written literally over 100 pages of oc interaction stories, no that's not a joke). I don't mind having au friendships with other characters!

  • Feel free to make jokes about them! Just no romance or anything gross.

  • Curious to know about their lore? Feel free to ask or lurk in my toyhouse, I love answering questions about them!

  • Co-owning? Sure, but only with people that I trust/am close with.

  • You want to compliment an ocs appearance? Go ahead!

  • Bullying is accepted as long as you don't insult them in a 'wow this oc is bad, I could've written them better' way.

  • You're always welcome to trash on, bully, beat up, etc any of my criminal ocs (except Zeeno).

  • Jokingly or lightheartedly simping for an oc is fine if you have my consent beforehand, if they don't already have a partner, and if they're not a minor. I find it very funny tbh considering all of my single ocs would decline anyway.

  • You have a suggestion for something that could be added to their personality, lore, etc? While I might not use it I still appreciate suggestions, especially cool personality quirks or headcanons for my ocs.

  • Do you have a name suggestion? GIVE YOUR NAME IDEAS TO ME NOW!!



  • My sona is one person split into two bodies--Axel and Elizabeth. Since these two are the same person I refer to them as my sona (singular). Do NOT ship them or imply romantic relations whatsoever that's super gross.

  • Speaking of which, while Kinzo is technically a part of Elizabeth and Axel as well, he does NOT count as a sona and I do not want him referred as my sona ever.

  • Don't compare my ocs to other characters.

  • Do not fat shame Elizabeth, insult her weight, body type, or anything like the sort. Ever.

  • Do not belittle Axel's hypersensitivity, and do not touch him without my direct consent.

  • Do not simp or sexualize my feral ocs at all! Yikes!!

  • I don't mind jokey simping for anthros but don't sexualize them, talk to them in endearment terms (honey, sweetie, etc) or talk about anything marriage related.

  • Don't make weird gross comments about my married/dating oc pairings. Or all my ocs in general.

  • Don't talk about squeezing my ocs, especially Elizabeth. Very personal reason based on something that happened irl.

  • I understand plot has to plot sometimes, but please do not put my sonas in situations where they are completely unable to move. It makes me super uncomfortable due to some stuff that happened a really long time ago, before I was even a teen.

  • Don't ship my ocs with yours!!(unless we co-own one of the ocs).

  • Do not do anything, whether it be fanart, an interaction, a joke, etc to involve me or my ocs in anything to do with the occult, witchcraft, fortune telling, tarot cards demonic imagery, etc. If this starts to take place I will ask for the behavior to stop, and if it happens again I will end our interactions entirely.

Triggers and DNI lists


Greetings! Here are my triggers, please try to avoid talking about these subjects around me unless you ask permission first.


  • NSFW

  • Any form of suggestive content (does not apply to nonsexual chest nudity--however the second it's sexualized it becomes a problem)

  • Rape

  • Animal abuse

  • Animal death

  • Discussion of things touching eyes

  • Discussion of physical restraint

  • Jokes about s/h and s/c

  • The three letter word

Here is my DNI list! I'm very chill and relaxed with most of these things, however the first one is the one I absolutely will not allow slide whatsoever.

DNI if you:

  • Take part in any NSFW whatsoever. This includes jokes, artwork, and anything written as well (aka smut). It's by far my worst trigger and I will block anyone I see participating in this without hesitation. If I am seen interacting with an account with NSFW, I am 100% unaware that they have this on their account, so please let me know so I can block!

  • If you're racist, a pedo, a zoo, a nazi, a proshipper or supporter of it, fetishize non-con, murder, s/h or a weight fetish.

  • If you make incest content, support incest, or anything of the sort.

  • If you descriminate against any religion, race, group, etc

  • If you're homophobic then also go away. Just because I'm a Christian doesn't mean I support hateful discrimination or acts against LGBT members, as one of our commandments is to love your neighbor as yourself. We shouldn't use our religion as an excuse to say garbage like "All LGBT should die" because that's literally so messed up and against what you claim to believe in.

  • If you tell or encourage people to s/h or s/c

  • if you are anti-furry then oh boy you're interacting with the wrong person here.

  • If you talk about politics in every conversation.

  • If you're known for stalking, harassment, scamming, or anything else problematic that I forgot to add here.

  • If you make jokes about animal death, cruelty, or make light of it in any way.



Here's my blacklist. You have to do a lot to end up on here. Do not harass or attack any of these people, this is just here to let people around me know that these people are banned from receiving any of my designs, interacting with me in any way, etc.

  • Carnero--Tried to commission me on discord to draw artwork of an oc with NSFW artwork in their profile. I immediately cut off all contact as they had not yet paid.

  • Kandikat--scammed someone on toyhouse.